A DOS game that I have written 20 years ago with Turbo Pascal.
This article shows how I set up my own blog site on GitHub, using the org-mode of Emacs for editing articles and HPSTR Jekyll Theme for displaying them.
Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to develop, ship, and run applications. Docker lets you quickly assemble applications from components and eliminates the friction that can come when shipping code. Docker lets you get your code tested and deployed into production as fast as possible. In this workshop we will try hands-on the basic commands for building and managing docker containers and images for a web application.
VNC is a well-known tool for remote desktop view and control. Two computers establish a TCP connection so that one of them can access the display of the other. However, almost always these two computers are behind a firewall/router and do not have a real IP to be accessed from the Internet. However, if you have access to an external server (for example a server in the cloud) there is still a workaround and things can be fixed to work.
Recently I made a visualization for contributors to https://l10n.fs.al for the last two years (2012-2013). This visualization was done with gource. It was a bit of hacking, so I would like to describe how I did it.
It can be possible and even simple to make identical clones just by copying the physical disk or the filesystem. However I prefer to build a new server from scratch and copy only the relevant data from the old server.
Time after time I write technical blogs and articles that describe and summarise my experiences. Nowadays all the blogging sites and tools offer WYSIWYG editors. And it makes blogging so easy, right? Not for me! I always find WYSIWYG editing tedious and frustrating.
Features are very useful for building Drupal profiles (re-usable applications). They provide a way to capture and save in code the customizations that are done to a Drupal site/application. I will describe how I use them in B-Translator.
I describe the development setup that I use for B-Translator. Most of the the tips are project specific, however some of them can be used on any Drupal project.
Installing and managing your own nameserver is not so difficult if you know some concepts about how DNS works and you have some basic command-line skills. I describe how I did it for myself.